Dan's American Motors Photo Gallery

A Flock of Eagles!

Two photos taken during the 1987 AMO convention.
Ever heard of an Eagle convertible?

Click for a larger photo!
How about a Concord convertible?

Dan's 1980 Eagle!

At 14,000 feet above sea level!

Cumberland Pass, Colorado
Cool Mountain Views of my AMC Eagle!

Cottonwood Pass, Colorado.

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A nice example of
a '79 Spirit that was for sale.

West of Denver, Colorado.

An AMC Eagle Police Car,
September 1986,
just off I-70 if I remember correctly.

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A Modified Gremlin

A Very nice '68 AMX (the North Dakota license plate says so!) seen in valley City, North Dakota in the summer of 1991

a nice 1970's AMC Hornet seen in Canyon City Colorado September 1996

a rough AMC Matador Wagon at Green River Wyoming, also in September 1996

1969 AMC Rambler seen at the AMO convention in Minneapolis, in 1986
(if I remember correctly)

    The first and last cars appear to be show cars, and the middle two appear to be daily transportation.
Click on the picture to see a larger picture

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