Most Eagle models are equipped with the model 129 transfer case. This unit provides fully differentiated four-wheel drive as well as two-wheel drive.
AMC Eagles built after the mid-1981 model year are equipped with the Select Drive system, which allows two or four-wheel drive operation. With Select Drive, engine torque is delivered to the transfer case, which can be driver-controlled to either engage the transfer case to drive both axles for four-wheel drive, or disengage the transfer case for two-wheel drive operation.
This system consists of a model 129 transfer case
(except 1986 models which are equipped with a model 128 transfer case), a model 30 front
axle with a two-wheel drive disconnect feature (disconnect feature only on 1981-1984
models), a vacuum control system and a two / four-wheel drive mode selector switch mounted
on the instrument panel.
The mode selector assembly mounted on the instrument panel controls the system operation.
To ensure positive engagement, the mode selector switch lever is locked into the desired drive mode by a spring loaded lockpin.
The procedure for changing drive mode is as follows:
NOTE: It may be necessary to move the automobile forward or backward slightly to fully engage or disengage the axle and transfer case.
Mode selection can be made while the vehicle is moving at any legal speed. You can select four-wheel drive at any time to anticipate poor driving conditions. Release the accelerator pedal momentarily after making a mode shift to 4WD. This helps assure quiet, smooth and complete engagement.
NOTE: Because vehicle movement is required to complete four-wheel drive engagement, do not wait until an emergency situation arises. Whenever poor driving conditions are expected, place your vehicle in the four-wheel drive mode.
NOTE: If the mode switch is moved from one position to another while the vehicle is
not moving, it may be necessary to move the vehicle forward or backwards slightly for the
transfer case to fully engage 4WD, especially in cold weather.
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