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Bulkhead electical connector as viewed from engine compartment

FZ Rear Defog Idle Kick EZ Headlight Idle Kick DZ NONE CZ A/C Idle Kick BZ AC Clutch AZ NONE
FY Temperature Gauge EY +12v to Headlights / Fuse 1 / Fuse 4 and Fuse 7 DY Oil pressure Lamp CY +12v to Ignition Switch BY To Back Up Lamps AY NONE
FX Alt Lamp EX Starter Engage DX Emmision Lamp CX +12x to Backup Lamps BX Brake warn to park brake switch AX Wiper Park
FW +12v to Ignition Sw EW Brake Warning Switch to Warning Lamp DW Screw CW Screw BW Horn AW Heat / AC Blower
FV Wiper +12v Feed EV Headlights - High Beam DV Screw CV Screw BV Front Park Lamps AV Front Window Wash
FU Wiper High EU Right Turn Lamp DU Headlights Low Beam CU +12 From Ignition Switch  (choke heat, idle relay) BU Wiper Low AU None
FT Does Not Exist ET Upshift Lamp (4 Cyl Only) DT +12 Trailer / Rear Defog Feed / Radio Backup Feed CT Ground BT None AT Left Front Turn
FS Does Not Exist ES None DS None CS None BS None AS None

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