An Attempt at Driving Over Rollins Pass


We drove Rollins Pass Road, an old railroad grade, hoping to drive over the pass in late September 1996. We saw some interesting scenery, and had a wonderful time. We didn't make it through the pass. The thumbnail shown above is the Riflesight Notch trestle. Today, the railroad tunnels under this area instead of going over the this trestle.


As we continued to follow the road, it became snow covered path.

We wanted to follow the road over the pass, So we followed someone else's tracks in the snow, until they ran out.

So we went carefully 5 feet further just so we could say we made it further than anyone else, and turned around. The high altitude reduced the power of the engine to about 75 percent of it's normal output (it seemed like even less!), making it quite difficult to maneuver in the deep snow.

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